
Becoming a Great Manager: Start Here

(Video Playlist) Are you an aspiring or new manager at a technology company or in a software organization? This playlist gives tips and tricks for getting into and starting people management. Watch them all here, or explore the playlist on YouTube.

Topics include:

  • How to get started
  • What employees don’t tell managers
  • How to break into people management
  • How to scope work on a team
  • Motivating employees (or: You have less power than you think!)
  • You have more power than you think!
  • Important leadership skills
  • Improving mental health in Infosec
  • One thing you MUST do as sa manager
  • Awkward manager tasks

I also have a course, Psychological Safety for Teams: A Leader’s Guide to Fostering Health, Creative, and Diverse Teams at the O’Reilly Learning Platform. Check to see if your company gets O’Reilly for free – many do.

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